4D Recovery


4D Recovery explores the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous as presented by the founders. Clients are escorted through the twelve steps of AA as presented in the “Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous”. 4D Recovery along with life skills training and spiritual instruction has helped thousands of CORE clients in their recovery journey. 4D Recovery has been taught at CORE for over a decade and many CORE clients have been reunified with their families and loved ones.

As illustrated in the diagram below, the cycle of addiction is repeated over and over by the alcoholic or addict unless a life changing experience occurs within the individual.

CycleOfAddiction-014D Recovery is based upon a neo-traditional interpretation of the “Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous”. The twelve steps are presented in five seminars that break down the principles to show that there is a “way out” from addiction available to those who choose to work the steps. The seminars are taught by individuals who have commenced from the one-year CORE Recovery Program and have found their sobriety within the guidelines of the program.

CORE focuses on bringing together families who have been torn apart by addiction to drugs and alcohol by providing recovery services to the individual addict. CORE provides an option to incarceration and helps assimilate addicts back into the community. Our jails are full and the sheer numbers of non-violent offenders are straining the courts and prison systems. The CORE program is an alternative to incarceration for non-violent offenders who are in need of a second chance.