The 2nd Mile


The importance of living “in-the-solution” of the last four steps of recovery is the focus of a newly instituted program of CORE. “The Second Mile” refers to Matthew 5:41 where Jesus asks everyone to perform above and beyond that which is socially or legally required of a person as it pertains to serving society.

Whoever forces you to go one mile,
go with him two. – Matthew 5:41

The “4D Recovery” program reinforces that giving back to others is a priority in maintaining a healthy and sober lifestyle. It is necessary to serve others so that we as recovered addicts can build a healthy and productive life while supporting our families and loved ones. Serving others is a key to living a healthy life.

“The Second Mile” program is open to anyone who has completed the steps and has finished the one-year program of recovery offered by CORE. Applicants must currently live in CORE housing. This is a one-year program that emphasizes leadership and servitude. Entrance to the program is by application and a person may apply if they have graduated from the program or if they are within 30 days of their graduated date.


Successful applicants will perform 100 hours of volunteer service within the one year and attend monthly sessions on leadership and how to live in the steps. Outside speakers will speak to differing topics of interest to the participants. Emphasis of the sessions will be on personal growth, accountability and spirituality. Successful applicants will continue to attend 4D, spirituality classes and CORE Church and strive to be an example to those who have recently entered the program.

A personal approach to making amends and being financially responsible will be mentored by CORE staff members. As a member of “The Second Mile” program, the individual will be asked to start a savings program that will be partially matched after a successful completion of the program.