CORE House Managers Express Thanks This Holiday Season!

CORE House Managers Express Thanks This Holiday Season!

Thanksgiving Day is almost here!  It’s all about togetherness, gratitude, coziness, shelter, comfort, and happiness — the perfect time to give thanks for blessings and to spend time with family and friends.

The energy, warmth, and excitement kindled by grateful people is infectious! So, to help put everybody in the holiday spirit, we asked some of our CORE house managers what they are most thankful for.  Here are their awesome responses:

First and foremost, I’m thankful to God for never giving up on me.  And then the love and support of my family, who never gave up, either.  I’m thankful for the CORE program, too, and for Kevin Hunt, who answered my phone call and got me in.  He probably saved my life.”
– Jeremy Hampton (Seahawk House)

I’m so grateful to God for restoring my relationship with my family.  There is no word to describe how grateful I am for that.  I don’t have a word for that.  And I am completely grateful to CORE and the community and friendships found here.  My life has purpose and meaning today; it goes beyond just daily living.  There is no aspect of my life that I’m ungrateful for.  None.” 
– Tamara Spencer (6th Street House)

God thought I was worth a second chance.  The Steps allowed me to have my family back.  I’m thankful to be a good son, husband, and father now.  I’m thankful that the worst problems I have today are so minor.  I’m thankful for CORE, these 12 Steps, and for Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.” 
– Dallas Conaway (Raven House)

My restored relationship with God, my family, and my newfound relationships with so many friends at CORE.  My CORE family – there’s just so much to be thankful for.” 
– Jen Brinkman (Quail House)

Relationships.  My family, my kids.  The lifelong relationships I’ve made here.  God repaired my broken relationships with my family and children.  My mom and dad are older, but when they are ready to leave this world, they’ll know I’m okay.” 
– Bracy Sams (Hawkeye House) 

The fact that I became willing to follow instructions.  I view this as a gift from God, because I heard them a million times before I actually followed them.  Just this morning an older man showed up out on the front porch.  His wife had kicked him out, put all his stuff out, but, oh yeah, he knows all about AA, goes to AA twice a week, yada yada.  Bless his heart.  He never followed the instructions.  The reality is, this man is walking around with nothing because he wasn’t willing to follow instructions.  So my willingness was a gift from God, I think, because I was that person once, walking around saying help me, but being unwilling to accept real help.” 
– Kim Stewart (Swan House)

I’m thankful that God is understanding and forgiving.  And merciful.  I’m genuinely thankful for my friends, for like minded people.  And I’m thankful to be at a place where miracles happen.  I see miracles, from start to finish, and see the differences.  Every day I ask people how they’re doing, and they say, you know, same old same old.  The next day, it’s still same old.  After awhile, I see that the same olds aren’t the same anymore.  They’re totally new people, and that’s the miracle.” 
– Neil Finley (Duck House)

I’m grateful for CORE and the foundation of eight years, and I’m thankful for all of the relationships that I’ve made this entire time.  Not just with CORE and the people in it, but over eight years of sobriety, I’ve met a lot of good people.”
– Christos Papanikas (Condor House)

I’m thankful for this program because it helped me find a relationship with God I never had before.  I’m thankful for my family, and for all of the people I have around me that help me better my life.  And thankful to God.  I have to be.  I wouldn’t be here today without Him.” 
– Mitchell Brooks (Sparrow House)

I’m thankful for finding my Higher Power.  When you’re saved, it’s something that you should know inside.  People here say, don’t leave before the miracle happens.  The first seven months I was here, I was like, when is this miracle thing going to happen?  And then one day I woke up and thought, I am the miracle.  I’m human again.  I live an adult life, and I look forward to going to work and the Center, and to seeing all the people there.  CORE gave me the structure for that to happen.  The other thing I’m thankful for are the relationships with my family.  My sisters call me out of the blue just to say hey.  My parents talk to me.  It’s a wonderful thing when that happens.”
– Chasity Downey (Outdoor House)

I’m thankful to be at the intake house and have the opportunity to help the newcomer.  I’m most thankful for having a close walk with Christ.  When I wake up in the morning and do my devotion, I know exactly what I’m supposed to do for that day.  Walking with Christ gives me direction and confidence.” 
– Nick Zahm (Blue Jay House)

I am grateful to be part of a program where I can give back what I have learned to others. CORE provided me a faith based option, and I have reconnected with Christ as my Higher Power.  I’m also grateful for all the people who come through the program.  I drive transportation, too, which gives me individual time with clients to see their growth and help guide them through the Steps and the program.” 
– Joe Redl (Cardinal House)

My son.  I’m so thankful that he has a sober mother today for our time together.  I’m thankful for all the women I’m able to lead.  And for God and the program, and for everything that He’s done for me.” 
– Alecia Short (Vaughn House)

I’m thankful for recovery, five years on, and for CORE.  And for my relationship with God.  There also is my family, especially, my grandsons.  I got my relationship back with my sister, too, who is such a strong woman.  I’m thankful for the men in my house, the Bird House, it’s a great fraternity.  And for the people at work.  They know everything about my past, and I have no secrets in my life.  I have so many good things to be thankful for.  I also want to mention the stepfather my sons had in their life when I wasn’t there.  I’m so thankful that he was in their life.  They turned out to be really good men, and that needs to be said.” 
– Scott Bourbon (Bird House)

Without God in my life and the program, there would be nothing else to be thankful for.  So, first and foremost, I’m thankful to God that I have a God conscience.  I’m thankful for the CORE program, for giving me the opportunities that I have had over the last 18 months.  And for the clients of this program, who help me work the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.” 
– Adam Guss (Eagle House)

I am thankful for open eyes – the yes’s and the no’s – for the prayers answered even when the answer is no.  I have grown from all of it.  And thankful for the space CORE gave me to grow in recovery.  I’m so thankful for my kids, 100%, for everything about them, over and over and over. ” 
– Savella Elmore (BP/Quail House)

Two things I’m most thankful for are: one, that I can talk with my mom and she’s not worried about me.  She sleeps at night without worrying about what I’m up to.  Two, the people in my life.  They call me, not to check and see if I’m alive, but because they really want to talk to me.  Or they might need something.  They can rely on me, and that’s something I could never have imagined before.  These are the things that, when I think about the people, I get emotional and stuff.” 
– Dylan Butler (Falcon House)

I’m thankful for CORE, for my sobriety, and for my relationship with God.  I’m really just thankful for everything!” 
– Alexandria Powell (CC/Swan House)

Having my family back, my kids back.  And thankful for this program and what it’s done for me.  I don’t know where I’d be without it. It helped me get back on my feet and find a better relationship with God.” 
– Tyler Hanson (Condor House)

I’m thankful for all of the blessings that God has given me.  For my family, and my CORE family.  And I’m very grateful that I have the opportunity to help others.” 
– Jennifer Mayo (Dove House)

That’s a long list, so I’m thankful to know what gratitude means, for me to be thankful today.  I didn’t understand that in my addiction.  Every day I remember where I came from and where I’m at now, and I try to pass along how to get there to the people who are still learning.  In the mornings, I thank God for all the things that I can think of, and start my day with a grateful mindset.  There’s so much, too, but I’m just grateful to be here, living out a dream that I never thought would be possible.” 
– Blake Wilson (Pelican House)