CORE Charity Auction!

Come to the CORE Charity Auction!

On May 16th, 6:00 P.M., the air will crackle with energy at CORE’s Branson auditorium, 280 State Highway T, Branson. The space – filled with eager bidders, the auctioneer’s voice rising, and rapid pace – transforms into a whirlwind of activity where the momentum only pauses with the call: “Going once, going twice… sold!”

Our charity auction is sure to excite and please everyone. Every item up for grabs holds the promise of something special, whether it’s a unique experience, a cherished collectible, or a luxury staycation. Auction items will include:

• Retail and sporting goods
• Consumer electronics
• Gift baskets
• And more!

• Gift certificates
• Service packages
• Vacation packages

With each bid, hearts will race and the smiles will widen – and it’s all for an important cause!  

Please come join us for the CORE 2024 Auction.  We promise you an unforgettable experience that will leave a lasting impact far beyond the final gavel!